Ad Lib Creator Demo

I remember playing a game called "Ad Lib" in my childhood; a seemingly regular text with words replaced by a blank, accompanied, usually, with the words' part of speech. After finding words that fit each blank's conditions, one ends up with a (usually) pretty funny text that is gramatically correct, but sounds totally wrong anyway.

Below is an example of an ad-lib-like form that can be created using the JavaScript file I've written; please try it out--simply fill in each text box, and then press "Ad Lib!" to see the result.

If you are interested in this ad lib idea, and would like to try customizing it, you can <<TODO: set up things so they are a bit more reusable, then complete this sentence...>>

If you come up with a good ad lib, please send me the file or a link. I'll be looking forward to seeing a good one...

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ver 20220503temp. You can view the current source in GitHub. © 2003- yk0242, some rights reserved under the MIT License.
These apps were compatible with the newest versions of Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer, at the date of publishing. TODO: update and check accordingly.
Please send any queries to  yk0242_catmark_gmail_dot_com